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  • Dae-ho: The leader of Newjeans. He is a talented dancer and singer with a strong drive to succeed.
  • Yoon-ah: The lead vocalist of Newjeans. She has a beautiful voice and a charismatic stage presence.
  • Min-jae: The rapper of Newjeans. He is a skilled lyricist and performer.
  • Ha-jin: The dancer of Newjeans. She is a talented dancer with a natural stage presence.


Dae-ho, Yoon-ah, Min-jae, and Ha-jin are four young people who share a love of music and dance. They come together to form Newjeans, a dance group with a dream of becoming stars.

The group faces many challenges along the way. They have to deal with rejection from record labels, financial difficulties, and personal setbacks. But they never give up on their dream.

With hard work and determination, Newjeans eventually achieves success. They release a hit single, tour the world, and become one of the most popular dance groups in the world.

Suggested English title:

The title “The Rise of Newjeans” is a straightforward and attention-grabbing title that accurately reflects the story. It is also likely to appeal to fans of dance music and K-pop.

Here are some other possible titles:

  • Newjeans: From the Streets to the Stars
  • The Newjeans Story
  • The Dream of Success

These titles are all more creative and evocative, but they still accurately reflect the story. They are also likely to appeal to a wider range of readers.

Possible plot points:

  • The group could meet in a dance studio or at a talent show.
  • They could start out performing at small venues and then gradually work their way up to bigger shows.
  • They could face competition from other dance groups.
  • They could experience setbacks, such as injuries or illness.
  • They could overcome these setbacks and achieve success.

The plot could be set in South Korea or in another country. It could also be set in the past, present, or future.

Possible themes:

  • The power of dreams
  • The importance of hard work and determination
  • The challenges of pursuing a career in the arts
  • The importance of friendship and support